The Elves Keep On Hackin' Me Down


So the months long issues of weird gurgling drains (like the toilet making bubbles while I'm showering) and the weak toilet flushes, even the kitchen sink drain getting occasionally clogged, have now reached its peak. 

The night before last, while dinking along with Jimi The Hobo during one of his latest live streams, my toilet flushed (probably forgot the toilet doesn't handle "flushable" baby wipes and used them) then after I left the bathroom, the toilet filled the bowl and kept on filling. Unknown minuets later I wake up from a pass-out to the sound of running water. I see the toilet has flooded the whole bathroom, water leeching out into the hall and dripping down into the AC filter hole. Tried to cut off the water behind the toilet, that valve wouldn't budge...had to run out in the middle of the wee hours to the outside main water valve behind the house. While there, I noticed another problem...the skirting behind the house, the very skirting that was blown down by Hurricane Ian, was back down again although I had put it back in place back after that storm. Must have been another storm we had since that knocked it down again and, since I never go back here, hadn't known about. I'll have to spend time one of these days and re-fix that again.

Anyway, toilet stopped running, plunged it hard and up comes a shitload of refuse from the tub. Had to sop up the mess with hamper towels, including the gunk all in the tub. Turned the main valve back on but after a few more test flushes and plunging both the toilet and the tub, I see it's still a problem and affects the tub line, the toilet line and the kitchen sink you know it's deep down there.

Daytime came. Cold and rainy day still. Called my "fav ol' plumber" and they're booked until after Christmas. Called the mobile home management office, now "manned" by a corporate IVR and basically just an answering service that only take messages. Tried throughout the day to get maintenance out here, finally reached Connie, the new manager (who sounds totally worthless) and she said she hadn't had her messenger "thing" on. She says she has no maintenance guy right now, she's looking for one. (I guess Misha is out) But even if she did, she said plumbing wouldn't be in his wheelhouse. That's "on me." So back to the plumber thing again. But I watched some YouTube videos on how to use a hand-auger "snake" and I might go this route. For now, I'm peeing in a bucket, dumping that down one of the bathroom sinks since it seems (for now) unaffected, and pooping on a-garbage-bag-under-toilet-seat setup, then bagging the poop and baby wipe mess up in another garbage bag, seal it well and bring it out to the trash. Easy peasy, right? Ugh. Showers? I guess I'll bird bath it when I need to. It's like my visions of van-dwelling, but in a mobile home.

Took my first TurboTax call. Shades of my first Holland America call where the customer was super patient and nice...I knew what their problem was since it was specifically covered in training, but again, I couldn't figure out how to navigate and use the systems to get resolution. So I was left putting them on hold for many minutes while I tried to reach out for help. Anyone there to help? Nope. They neglected to hook me up with the right Slack room and the Tier2 option in the CRM was pretty much shit. So off to an incorrectly transferred status with you nice lady which I think, again, I accidentally hung up on. Now I'm being told via email to sign up for my ONE commit max, but Shiftboard, the scheduling app wasn't there for me. I figured a way to get it via old emails when I did the Assurance line, but no open available commits to select. Another email said they'd be releasing some avail commits soon.

I let laundry go too long, now I'm wearing dirty clothes, can't use washer since the tub is clogged, sitting here in the cold, smelling mold smells from the wet carpet, unshaven, unwashed, hair needs to be cut but without shower, can't do that and I'm about to jump in and do a sesh on the Pinecone computer, soaking my head with saline solution. And some drain flies are buzzin' 'round my head.

Health-wise, I'm back to the insomnia and crazy sleep pattern shit. I have a new back molar temperature sensitive tooth that feels like it's just starting its shit with me and I still have the lingering fatigue and weakness that makes the thought of getting a "real" job right now really on the impossible side.

Oh what fun Christmas time is.