Weekend At Mike's (Mom's House)


I try to click away, but I just can't. Like Mauricio and his outrageous craving for the vodka, I'm so tragically hooked.

Since last we left them, Captain's RV gang of two (him and his new sailor, the quite visibly autistic Mauricio) drove to some non-descript corner to sleep off the night and then the next morning, after getting hundreds in donos for it, Captain took Mo to Ross and bought him some clothes. 

Then it was off on the long drive to Riverside for a party at Mike's mother's house. I guess his mom was away for the weekend?

Well, here it is Monday night and many of the players are still there including Goocheese, Mike's brother Eric, and Chicken Andy. The Captain, JJ, JCup, Mike's 14-year-old son, and an assortment of other characters have dined, drank, smoked weed, smoked DMT, probably other substances as well, all to the loud blasts of media from the donos on various streams and the non-stop Nintendo Switch games on the big TV. Mauricio left after a couple days ago, the loud and obnoxious characters and donos being too much stimulus, but tonight he's back after sleeping in some downtown LA park and getting JCup to come and pick him up at the Riverside train station. Of course he was smelling again and just like he needed a strong shower when he first arrived at the start of this crazy weekend, he had to take another. At least no puking in the sink like last time though.

Gotta go. It's almost 1am my time and the night is young there but Mike's fighting everyone in arm's reach, smashing furniture, this guy Aldy is quitting his job to live on the RV for a month and Mauricio's on his 5th shot and gettin' really loud, telling everyone his bodily functions.

PS: What's with mom's Christmas decorations? It's all part of the insanity. And it never ends.

I got certification at 8am, man. Ugh!

By only 10:30 pm there, it's at this level: