The Morning After


8:46 am Thursday, September 29, 2022

68° F Overcast with light winds and mild scattered showers.

What a beautiful morning!

As the graphic proves, Sebring took a direct hit from Hurricane Ian last night. Not sure how the rest of the town or county fared, but based on my look outta my door, things look pretty good. We were very fortunate.

My house suffered no real damage. A couple of aluminum slats that make up the skirting on the carport side fell off...simple snap back on job to fix, and the metal cover over the back of the A/C compressor unit near the carport door fell. Easily put back into place. In fact, it was this thing that made a loud bang as it was flipped over by winds before sunset last night that made my Honey Boo Boo neighbors let out a little scream and probably got them to jump in their cars soon after and skedaddle. BTW, as far as damages go, looks like one of the screens of their screened-in porch broke and their privacy curtain is flailing out there. Other trailers around me look good, again, minor things like a few scraps of unidentified slats of aluminum and some gutter drains lying around here and there. My gutter and drains seem fine. I have one drain on the front of the carport overhang that's missing but that was like that when I bought the place.

As you can see by my report above of the temperature, if the power was out, I guess it wouldn't have been so bad as far as bearing with the heat. The storm actually brought in a cold front. 

Not gonna lie, I was a little bit scared last night especially around 9 when it seems we went through the northeast eye wall. I think I felt the house kinda tilt a little. That was probably my imagination since this mobile home has hurricane straps binding it to the slab below and the house is perfectly normal.

I'm a little tempted to take a drive around as a looky-loo but that's discouraged and probably not really safe. There may be downed trees or electric wires. I'll stay put. I saw one neighbor walking around her house assessing stuff and just now heard a bit of a hammering sound a few houses down so some people either rode it out here like me or are back early. I don't think the shelter would let you go this early so many are probably still there. This park has mainly low-income people so I would guess most went to either friends or family or the shelter. Just heard a car drive by...first I've heard since yesterday evening before sunset.

Oh what a beautiful morning indeed.