Further Down The Rabbit Hole

My near-obsession with the streamers continues...

Andy Dick's back on the streamers-verse now basically being used by LaLa and Billy John. At least he's living in an apartment now so that better, right? Not so sure.

Of course this isn't his apartment, it's Billy John's. Who's Billy John? Who's LaLa?

Well, let's back it up a bit...As you may recall, we last left Andy back a few months ago when he was being bounced back and forth between Captain Content and Chicken Andy's RVs. Though both were totally using him to provide D-list "star-power" to their streams (all for the donos, bitch!), Cappy seems to have taken better care of Andy. Kinda like he takes care of Mauricio on occasion. Like the bachelor uncle who provides a roof and "three squares" but also glazes over emotional connection and enables bad shit (like supplying consistent bottles of Amsterdam vodka). What? Your uncle didn't let you get regularly puke-up wasted at the age of 15?

So after a while the boys got tired of Andy's perpetual verbal (and sexual) abusiveness so they fobbed him off on Elisa (Andy's supposed "fiancée") who couldn't allow him to dry heave and who-knows-what-else bodily function all over her tawny high-rise Hollywood apartment so LaLa took him to Billy John's flea bag digs down the boulevard behind the Hollywood and Highlands Complex.

LaLa has been on the Captain's stream a lot earlier this summer. She thinks very highly of herself, is constantly berated by the chat and throws it back to them, says she is a corporate software salesperson, but lives on the street, sleeping in her Chevy Spark. She thinks black people are God's chosen people and tries desperately to pawn herself off as a "person of color" but her color is just simply white. 

Not sure how LaLa met Billy John but methinks it has to do with what appears to be Billy John's main business (of his reported "several")...weed dealing. Oh sure it's legal in Cali, but I'm sure the freelancers, like he apparently is, are able to undercut the prices at the dispensary by quite a bit.

They're apparently filming a documentary at the nasty apartment and during one cut in LaLa's stream, she filmed (accidentally?) Billy John attesting to the documentary producer that he agreed to be filmed, stating his real name: Alex Haley. I looked it up. I couldn't find conclusive evidence to it, but the numbers add up to the very real possibility he could be the great-grandson of the famous Alex Haley ala "Roots." 

Or maybe he's faking it and mooching just like his now live-in "lover?"/"fuck buddy?" Andy Dick, like right outta the playbook of "Six Degrees of Separation." Only, who are they all conning? No-life losers who watch strangers on YouTube live streams for the hope of some juicy "content?" 

Here's a few screen caps for ya...enjoy.

Lights, Camera, Action...Oh, swat that roach!

Just the kitchen floor folks, nothing unusual (for a drug den.)

Hi, I'm Andy Dick...remember me?

Billy John aka great-grandson of Alex Haley? Wouldn't Kunte Kinte be proud?

The drug dealin' business be hard, Andy. Now get packing, bitch!