Super(Nova) Clickbait

So I'm on YouTube just now and I see an exploding supernova thumbnail titled "LIVE Betelgeuse Supernova Explosion IS HAPPENING!"

It's a live stream of the star Betelgeuse and a timer has it about to freakin' go of in less than ten minutes!

People in chat are saying their prayer figuriung it's an omen of the endtimes.

I know it's just some really creative clickbait.

Let's see what happens when the counter hits zero...

4:56 now...getting closer. I know it says "just a guess" but what if this guy has ESP or something...

Let's read some of these chats:

anyone wanna buy some butt hair

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Don’t forget to drink your Kool aid or the mothership won’t accept u

it's been said that we would have to be 25 light years from the star for it to have devastating effects and we're 642.5 light years away

cat brains is a delicacy

Are we gonna die bc I can see it from my house

19 seconds!




Wait what!?

The clock reset to 30 minutes again.