Same Ol' Story



That's all they owe me. I've had to wait almost a month for money I made working for them, and they didn't even pay me when they said they would.

I'm talking about the tiny net amount owed to me, according to their own invoices on my account with them, by Arise. Yup, Arise, the outfit I just signed up for another stint with and with who I start certification in another week or so.

I only worked a total of about two hours and fifty minutes over the course of the time I took one call at the end of classroom certification then scheduled myself for three hours the next day since I was having such dire tech issues that second day.

My invoices say I made $38.51 BUT they had to take their Platform Fee of $19.75 out which left me with $18.76 remaining. 

$18.76 for almost 3 hours. Or put another way, a little over $6.30 an hour...way under minimum wage. And this isn't even true net pay since, as 1099, no taxes are withheld. Factor in some 20% for that and it's more like five bucks an hour.

But, since this "revenue" was supposed to be paid out yesterday, perhaps it's all a fucking scam and I'm getting nada! Welcome to modern-day slavery.

I need to have this shit straightened out before my next supposed payday on October 7. The portal reference material is so vague when it comes to earning and being paid money since the business model is set up so sketchy with the MLM-like layers of IBOs and shit. As a sole-proprietor, my only contact concerning money is the robot chat, and that's freakin' worthless. Part of me is thinking this all could have something to do with the SouthState Bank account shutdown and my updating the banking info on the Arise portal to deposit funds to the as-yet-untouched Ally account. Not sure if I updated it and it stuck. No email or other confirmation of bank account info change like you'd expect virtually anywhere else. And the screen showing banking account number only shows asterisks.

It's 6am right now and the robo chat says no-one is available for live chat until business hours so I'll have to wait till then and hopefully I'll get straight information from whoever I talk to.

Next week I have the Liveops money supposedly being deposited. We'll see what happens with that.