The Return Of Mister Clean


On a whim (or was it the rum and IPAs) I decided to, spur-of-the-moment, buzz cut all my hair off, sans guide. I didn't quite then pick up a razor and cream to shave it down to smooth skin, but it's down to electric clipper skin which is pretty much the same thing if one let a smooth shave go for a day or so.

This is the first time I went so low since 1996, when the #2 guide on my clippers accidentally popped off as I was plowing and the clippers cut to bare scalp. Pretty much had to match it and then I decided to shave smooth. Got a few comments back then even though I tried to wear a baseball cap much of the time. 

Back then I was way thinner and younger and it looked more odd, especially as the 90s weren't yet the time for such wild personal grooming in small town America. Nowadays, you can have everything pierced and tattooed and no-one bats an eye. Frankly too, now as a heavyset middle aged dude with a much more prominent male pattern baldness, I think it looks absolutely great. I think I may try to keep it this way.

Who knows. maybe a Mr. Clean earring is next in store?

EDIT: Yes, in case you noticed, my right eyebrow (on the left in the pic) has been chopped in half. This happened in a recent culling event to defeat the rampant Alfred Cormier eyebrow effect I'm now constantly cursed with (as I knew I'd be genetically bound). Oopsie. I don't mind making the young girls cower in fear at the sight of me. Just wish I could make the young boys act the opposite way. ;)