Ringy Dingbat Downs...And Ups


So today was a most interesting one for my little "technology solutions" company. Down with one client and up with another.

Originally, I had planned to continue with both the Holland America inbound CS calls and also do the Assurance IQ outbound soft sales calls. But, as I moved from certification in both classes and made my way onto the virtual "floor," I found that the benefits of one in comparison to the other just couldn't be beat. By a huge margin, as it turns out. At least that's my perspective at this time.

As posted, last Friday I tried to make my first meaty call hours in both lines but the Fates had different plans for me and I had major tech issues so I only serviced about an hour and a half total for one line (we'll see if I get paid for that) and only made it through 4 sad calls on the other.

Since I was off all weekend, I thought long and hard and crunched the numbers. Everything I could find regarding what I would actually be paid for in either program was forecasting atrociously for one client/platform and super-favorably for the other client/platform. Namely, Arise and its Holland America Line was sinking fast, torpedoed by the stats of the incredible potential of Liveops' Assurance IQ. So, to play this metaphor out, the former is down in Davey Jones' Locker and the mega-sub of the latter is being looked at possibly even being a bankruptcy buster!

Here's the raw data:


Systems Needed: Portal, Okta, Pulse Secure (VPN) running even when off-work, Citrix, MS VDI (intrusive virtual desktop chewing up vast system resources), two CRM databases (within the VDI, one of them a mainframe terminal emulator), another web ordering system (also in the VDI), a reference library with non-Boolean search functionality, a poorly-manned in-house Arise Chat app and Avaya softphone software both in and out of VDI. 

Liveops/Assurance IQ

Systems Needed: Web-based Assurance Auto-Dialer Portal, Slack. That's it.


Call Environment: Inbound direct shoppers or current booked passengers and travel agents needing complex issues to be resolved. They've experienced an average of up to at least an hour on hold before getting to you. You can imagine the frustration. They are more affluent/educated (generally) and/or professional in regards to TAs...but there's no guarantee. And if you can't help them, because the system won't let you (technically and/or procedurally), will they remain civil?

Liveops/Assurance IQ

Call Environment: Outbound so there's that (they're busy, they weren't expecting you, they're not in the mood, etc.) but they have qualified for the call by filling out a short questionnaire on a website which may or may not have lured them to do so with punch words like "free stimulus money" or "flex card benefits" or some other "freebie." Then we confirm some basic info and warm transfer them to an agent. The folks are mostly retiree's lookin' for "the hook up." Amicable and pliable. The rushed ones or those irritated by outbound telemarketers just hang up, let it go to VM or request DNC...not wasting your time...quick and easy.


Money: $13/hr (Except in a non-active status such as ACW, or if having tech issues...also, any meetings which may be scheduled to go over QA) MINUS the monthly Arise platform fee ($39.50) and the initial, one-time background check fee and/or certification fee, if applicable (in my case only the one-time $19.99 fee) Oh, and how do you get paid? How do you invoice? Any money related questions ever? You need to contact your IBO (basically the pyramid placeholder above you) or (like me) if you're sole-proprietor, Partner Support (which is a tech support chat that runs you around an endless tree of FAQ-style options, robot responses, and all manner of obfuscation to avoid you connecting with a live chat specialist...and, if and when you do, God help you. They're either fuckin' clueless or stll bots pretending to be reps.) Also, unpaid +100 hours of classroom training.

Liveops/Assurance IQ

Money: 20 cents per minute talk time and, at first (tier dependent), $1.50 per transfer. Wanna talk money with someone training you? No worries, they love to talk about it and how you get it. Based on my first two hours on the phones earlier today (3:00 pm - 5:00 pm), my paid valid talk time (call has to be 10+ seconds minimum so those quick hangups and answering machines etc. won't count) EVEN considering the invalid time, I estimate, was at least an hour and a half (conservative estimate) for a total of $18. Plus, I made 17 transfers for a total of $25.50 for them, for a grand total of $43.50. That's $21.75/hr. ON DAY ONE out of an easy-peasy 12-hour training!

And that, as they say, my friend, is that. If I'm gonna work, I'm gonna get PAID!

EDIT: Spoke with my ARA today, since I'm at Tier 7, I should see the higher payout on my transfers so actually I should be looking at $52 for the 2-hour "day," which works out to $26/hr. And I checked the stats for all agents and there are several making in excess of $1,000 a week working about 30 hours!