Oh Andy...


Remember Andy Dick? 

So where is he tonight? Hangin' with his RV-livin' IP2 IRL streamer roommate Captain Content at some mundane indoor arcade in SoCal gettin' total kicks dumping quarter after quarter into some coin pusher machine. He claims he's never seen one before and is fascinated. Somebody on the stream claims coin pushers were invented by the Nazis to stall Jews' escaping from the camps so they could be caught. Andy's "friend" Captain Content then starts yellin' at Andy to hurry up the Nazis are coming. Andy is oblivious.

They stream at a nearby sushi place and someone recognizes Andy. The waitstaff find out he was in "Employee of the Month" and they start wanting selfies with him. Andy interrupts his own meal to oblige them.

Andy's always wasted. Drugs, alcohol or both. This evening's no different. He sucks down a drink someone got him at the restaurant and later they wait for their ride. In the backseat of the car, Andy starts to pass out on Captain's shoulder after asking to lie in his lap. Andy seems familiar with Captain's lap and maybe because the camera's on, Captain defers the lap lie for now. 

They stop at a Walmart and leave Andy in the back seat of the car. They remind him to not masturbate in the car. Andy protests, "I don't do that! I'd get arrested." Yes we know that's the only deterrence to your debauchery...another jailhouse visit. Well, for tonight anyways...maybe.

EDIT: It's a few days later and Andy is still Andy...