Okay, Let's Get You Patched Up


I could swear this is what I heard my new doctor say this morning after our first meeting. Made me immediately think of Fallout. I guess he'll be jabbin' me with a stimpak or two?

Actually, I got good vibes about this one. No Dr. Tiny Fembot. No Shame-On-You PA. No Princess Clueless ARNP. No Could-Care-Less ARPN. No OMG This Dude's Gonna Die on me ARNP. No Mama-Gonna-Set-You-Straight ARNP. Just a no-nonsense, old skool doctor who pretty much called me out right away sayin' I talked too much (really!). He'll probably lean to the outlook similar to the Blame Game dude #2 listed above (the Winter Park PA from 2014 who basically said I caused my own diabetes with my binge drinking).

Despite his declaration to be my savior, I personally am looking at just a few goals right now: 1.) Let's look again at replacing Metformin. With what? Well that's the kicker. I can't afford any high-falutin' name brand drug of the moment. Especially considering I may have to drop Ambetter before the year's end depending on income. Not lack of it, but accumulation of it...Obamacare be like that, y'all. 2.) Phen again? Not sure this old dude, a D.O., would go for it. Probably wants me to rub some essential oils on my belly to make the fat melt away. 3.) Should I lose transportation, I could Uber to this place at a relatively decent cost. Only down the road, really.

So okay, Doc, "patch me up" if you must. Side Quest accepted. I look forward to leaving a relatively good-looking corpse.