Androids Eat A Banana Daiquiri


The first thing I came up with for a caption of this recent photo of my father is simply a phrase which he uttered in complete exasperation many a time. It's basically a curse in Woonsock-ette, a pidgin French-Canadian dialect unique to the old folks of my home town. 

"Eh, maudsie tabarnak de Crisse!"

More on that meaning here in this ancient YouTube video:

But when I spoke the phrase as I remember it pronounced into Google, Google came up with the title of this post.

I posted this pic of my dad back in January of last year. 

So I guess in the more recent photo, which, it seems, was posted to his Facebook about a year ago, I can only assume that I am, in fact, the son of Yoda!

What creature I will become, wonder often, I do?