Puttin' On My Entrepreneur Hat Again


So I decided to put out the ol' digital shingle and become a self-employed entrepreneur once again.

Doing the Amazon Turking is just one small line, but I just signed on to work with LiveOps as an independent contractor working, at first, with their Nordstrom client, providing remote, work-from-home customer service.

Setting my own hours, maintaining enough to make it worth it but not so much as to jeopardize the Obamacare, just yet. I should be able to use the two lines to work about 20 to 25 hours a week making enough to convincingly get by on for my upcoming bankruptcy bid.

Call it "Poverty...Done Right."

I'm not going to officially register as an LLC or anything with the state. No need for any fees or, gosh forbid, even the slightest scrutiny. Unless doing so is beneficial during the upcoming court proceedings...I'll be sure to ask my lawyer. But nevertheless, I decided to call my business "SRS." And if you glance above at the logo (which I designed in about ten minutes just now) you'll see that SRS is none other than the ol' JA company name from a bazillion years ago, Sunshine and Rainbow Sales...the oh-so-teenaged-girl entity name Lisa came up with and we all, including the dudes, voted a little begrudgingly "yes" on (probably 'cause we didn't have any better alternative). In your memory, my dearest.