Bingeardium Leviosa!


Just finished. And all in just about 5 days. Seeing young Harry turn practically into a man before your very eyes after some 15 hours or so of awesome film bingeing is stunning but takes great ass and eye strain. God knows I have the ass for it but the eyes? Well, I can still see so I guess I'm okay.

These films are gems. This makes at least my third binge of the Harry Potter movies over the years but I think the first of all 7 of them at once. And, having studied up on some book lore and behind the scenes info, I was able to understand a heck of a lot more this time 'round.

Makes me crave a bit of the ol' Universal experience don't ya know, but with my finances in the shambles they are, that's not likely. Maybe next year after some income under my belt and monkeys off my back.