Binging Bad...Again


This go-round is probably the third binge of this show I've done over the years. Yup, I like it THAT much. And I'm not alone. I'd say this show's probably one of the most binged shows just based on the amount of fan chatter and other hints even to this day.

Currently, I'm right at the end of season three where the two pushers that had the kid shoot Combo are offed by our strange brew protagonist duo.

Chalk it up to age or other elements which have created my present-day not-so-sharp memory but I'm finding that I'm watching each episode with almost fresh eyes. I barely remember details and just have a general gist of how the story progresses. Yes, I remember the overall arc of the entire series and the various stages of plot development, but as I watch each scene, I'm kinda surprised by the next scene and I'm enjoying all the twists, antics and shenanigans our characters get into as if watching for the first time. Despite this being at least the third run-through, it's almost like I heard stories at the water cooler about the show and I'm just now experiencing them first hand. This and the current bout of daily palpitations I'm experiencing (yeah, again...) and I shake my head thinking about all the potential damage my brain and other organs have endured.

But enough "woe is me" shit. Unlike Walt and his cancer and Hank and his bullet-riddled outcome after his parking lot tumble with The Cousins, I brought all of this on myself. Like Jane taking up with bad boy Jesse and using again. I just hope I won't roll onto my back and choke to death on my own puke.