Bingo, Blurgh-o, Binge-o


I'm not sure why I pretty much ignored this series while it was on its broadcast run on NBC a decade ago but I wanted to binge something a little different from my usual sci-fi fare so I picked this. I like witty comedies but I'd pretty much given up on regular network TV to provide such many, many moons ago.

I think the last network comedy I really liked was Parks and Recreation and that too I only caught on to after binging it well past its original run. In fact, I think the last few comedy series I binged (The Office, Arrested Development, Transparent, The IT Crowd) were all well after their original run. I think the last time I used to watch a comedy series while it was in broadcast was probably Will & Grace...the first run!

I'm currently in the midst of Season Five of 30 Rock and it hasn't jumped the shark for me yet. In fact, it seems to have gotten better as the seasons went on. We'll see if that continues on through the next two seasons. I can see why this show ran so long. It's witty but not too cerebral, silly but not sickeningly so, it keeps the potential controversial gags down to a minimum and stays solidly on theme season after season. Tina Fey stays away from becoming a totally overused trope of the lonely old maid like so many other sitcoms have tended to spotlight their single working gal persona. Alec Baldwin plays a bombastic corporate snob but not in a mean way, he's a loving and nice bombastic corporate snob. All the characters are genuinely likeable, even Tracy Morgan who plays a not-to-far-off version of his, goofy talk, ghetto-tacular, dummy brat self, further cementing my assumption that SNL-him and 30 Rock-him are both an act.

Soon this show will be the latest checkmark off my Binge Bucket List and I'll be hunting for a replacement. Will it be Bojack Horseman? It better not. That just looks like the stupidest thing ever (yet it ran for six seasons!)