Blessed Be The Binge


It's been a minute, I know, I've been binging, perhaps as a salve to sooth my troubled mind about my enduring and enveloping troubled times.

I found that the last season of Homeland had dropped on Hulu so I finished that up. Nice close to an excellent series. I find it a bit hard to believe that Carrie would just forever abandon both her daughter and her country (although her message to Saul hints she'd gonna work behind the scenes in her future for the latter) but it had to wrap shit up some way, especially with regards to her daughter which always felt like a unwanted McGuffin after the initial Brody plotline was exhausted. And, her double agent machinations while living with her "Russian handler" does mirror back to that Brody plot in that the whole beginning premise of the show was to tell the viewer to never believe even the seemingly most loyal isn't who they appear to be.

After Homeland, I jumped right into The Handmaid's Tale. Wow, I should have started this when it started. Really good. A few flaws with it, mainly: In respect to believability, I guess I don't fully buy the fact that the US could go so "rogue" so fast. History shows that all countries collapse, eventually, but to go from somewhat normal to out-right civil war, with the opposition creating a whole new philosophy, religious mindset and strict law structure all while infiltrating and subverting traditional American institutions and values? I get that there's this mysterious plague affecting birthrates, but are straights that nuts about poppin' out rugrats that they'd turn the world upside-down to insure a way to make procreation even a little more successful? (Thinks to all the examples in nature that prove exactly that point. Well, never mind then.)

TV hasn't been the only salve, of course there's eating and drinking. With an unexpected additional $95 a month to my food stamp budget, I literally can't buy more food so I'm eating as quickly as I can. My freezer, fridge and cabinets can only hold so much. And with my cash freed up for beer, I'm, of course, buying more of that too. Feeling the effects, now probably about 330 again. I hesitate to actually weigh in.

Binging sleep? Yup, about once a week I spend a good day and a half sleeping, getting up only to pee, poop, or eat. 

Binging staying awake? Yup there too. Again, about once a week, I complete the cycle after the sleep binge and stay up for hours on end. What do I do? Binge YouTube, binge Civ V, binge TV, binge Google Maps (yes, I actually entertain myself on Google Maps and Street View for hours and hours), binge Transport Fever 2, binge porn, binge Reddit. The same stuff I do everyday, except MORE.

What I'm not binging? The outdoors, talking to people, looking for a job, Turking, defending my lawsuits. 

You got that last one right, I'm giving up. I have no case. Didn't respond to the discovery requests from BOA lawyers so, I guess I'll be looking at summary judgement in a few weeks? What happens then is anybody's guess. Will they buy my "Judgement Proof" contention or will they chuckle and grill me over, pulling me into a room with a spotlight beaming down and interrogating me, poking me with cattle prods, snipping off fingers and plucking out an eye. Only to have them do a "ceremony" on me every month for the rest of my days, trying in vain to rape that Holy Spunk into my ass and make me give up my baby for them.