Red Alert!


Here's what I got when I logged into this blog just a few minutes ago. WTF?

I just posted to this blog a few hours ago and everything was fine. Now it says my blog is a phishing site. What?! This makes no sense.

First of all, I've had this blog for 16 years and I've never had an issue. Not once. Even Laura Hupfel wouldn't try to hack me. 

Second, this blog continues to be PRIVATE, with the only person (supposedly) able to access it being ME. (I have verified this by using Chrome incognito as well as other browsers/computers) So who's phishing me? If some hacker does have access to the blog, well, so be it. Are they gonna try to blackmail me? Good luck, buddy, 'cause I don't give a shit and neither does anyone else.

Are the banks suing me hacking my blog? Again, if so, enjoy! I would readily claim in a court of law that nothing in this blog could be construed as "evidence" or "fact" since I have full artistic license to potentially fabricate any and all content I choose. For all anyone knows, I could be a little old lady in Singapore who made up a wholly fictitious persona of this fat, lazy middle-aged white man in America and have perpetuated this odd hobby for 16 years. 

I dug into the "details" of the warning and found out I could get rid of this bogus "alert" by simply disabling the "Safe Browsing" feature on Chrome. No prob. I'll risk "barebacking" the internet. I mean, at my age and exposure to the back alleys of the dank web, I've been guzzling digital cum by the bucketload since 1993 so if I ain't done in yet, more power to me.