Belated Birthday Dinner


I decided to endure my social awkwardness and drove on down to Cowpoke's Watering Hole for a nice steak dinner for myself. I'd been hankerin' to try their steaks since I hadn't tried them yet and I had that gift card Ric and I won in trivia a year ago that was burning a hole in my pocket.

Sat at the outdoor tiki bar and ordered a Cowfish 60-minute IPA. Place wasn't too packed for 7:30 on a Thursday. No trivia even though Thursday nights were the traditional time for that here. I guess due to the Covid. That was pretty much the only concession made to the pandemic though as, like everywhere else in Highlands County, no one was wearing a mask of course, not even the staff. (I had earlier stopped in at Walmart to pickup a med and I see more and more people going maskless there as well)

I ordered the Cracker Caprese, a "Southern-take on an Italian favorite," mozzarella, basil and fried green tomatoes with an olive oil/balsamic drizzle. Yum! 

For my entrée I had a 16oz ribeye, medium-well, with garlic mashed potatoes. Came with house salad and garlic bread as well. Very filling. I had about half the steak left over for a doggie bag. Steak was very well cooked, nice charred flavor. But was it Ruth's Chris level? No. Maybe a slight upgrade on Longhorn. Not worthy of the outrageous pricing. This dinner cost a whopping $59.66! Thankfully the $20 gift card made that a bit more reasonable but with a $15 tip, my total still came to $54.66 sitting at the bar, only two drinks and no dessert!

The pics above are representative of what I had since I didn't take my phone to snap my own. Overall, was a nice treat, I wasn't too horribly anxious, and I got to use up that card. But, opting to use my food stamps and cook at home for the next foreseeable future, and having no one to go with, I think it'll be a while indeed before I venture back to this place.