Vaporwave Apocalypse


Well, I'm off to the mall. But since it's not the 80s, I'm not going to shop 'till I drop; this near dead mall down the road has a whole big, empty former JC Penny's to use as a county health Covid vaccination spot. The above pic is from this very mall.

Funny kinda connection since back in the 80s the Bible Thumpin' wackos thought the credit card, the very vehicle which fueled the building craze allowing malls to proliferate, was a sign we were closer to the End Times and that plastic card was the "Mark of the Beast." Now the crazies have changed their tune and cry out that the 'Rona is the new sounding of the trumpets and getting the Covid vaccine is the real Mark of the Beast.

I'll be on the lookout for masked demons trying to get me to sign my soul away in blood. Most likely, I will see masked figures but they'll likely just be other fatties and blue hairs either also getting the Devil's Injection or walking the lonely mall floor for benign retiree fitness, steppin' to the chill beat of that sweet, sweet muzak.