Just Another Saturday Night In America

What the fuck is going on! All summer long massive crowds assembling in protest only to soon escalate to violence and looting. Now the Far-Right has entered the dance hall and things are looking like shit's gonna get real, son! 

Last night die hard Trump supporters gathered en masse in DC and, the Orange One's anointed disciples, the Proud Boys, practically goose-step on in sporting yellow and black festooned riot gear. 

Check out this video ensemble of live streamers filming as shit goes from "Fuck Antifa!" chants to fist-o-cuffs and knife blades. It's like West Side Story without the synchronized homoerotic choreography. Or is it lacking in the gay vibes department? Color-coordinated rumblewear sounds awfully Out and Proud if you ask me.

Tomorrow the electors vote gets recorded in the tomes of 2020 history. The Orange One has said he'll use that as his referee countdown. Ring the bell, boxing match over.

But if last night is any indication, I think that ref better get back in the ring 'cause there's literally bloodier bouts to come.