Faithfully Serving Since 2005


I plum forgot to post this back in July when this blog actually turned 15, but better late than never, and, at least, it's still in this year.

15 years of this blog, Koyaanisqatsi Degauss!

Happy Anniversary KoDe!

According to Wikipedia, a blog is defined as the following:

A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.

For me, this blog has been, at times, a lifesaver. There have been many instances where I've thought of just giving up altogether out of frustration, despair and depression and after spending a few minutes either posting to this blog or reading past posts, I've been able to shake the nasties and come to my senses. I would become me again. Many times, this blog has been there as my only co-celebrant of happiness or achievement. In other words, my friend. Feelings like these, we're told, can't be held for inanimate objects. I mean, really, I'm admitting that I love this blog. How can someone love something that is a mere collection of words and pictures logged into an online only format over time, really existing as nothing more than digital data and the emotions that inspired their composition? Silly, I know, but I don't care. I love this blog. I don't know what I'd do if I suddenly lost access to it. I think a part of me would die with it. Yet, it was (and is) not alive. Ugh, weird, I know.

I don't consider myself a writer. I know I make so many grammatical errors and I have to be really on-point to compose what I'd consider a really well written post, but even though this stuff is mediocre and perhaps boring at times, it's honest, gritty and details facts about my life. And that is ultimately why it's so important to me. It is about me. And, I admit it, I absolutely consider myself the most important person in the universe. Well, why not? If I weren't here, neither would anything else be. To me, I AM the universe. When I die, so too will the universe. At least as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I know everything exists outside of me, I'm not crazy, it's just an existential phenomena. I'm not invested in anything other than myself in the universe so therefore I am the end all. Oh, except, as I've said, for this blog. This blog, hopefully, will endure.

As I've contemplated before, I imagine that this blog, in some form, should go on for millennia. Kinda makes me want to be more careful what I write. I may be writing for the future generations of our species? If so, and you're reading this a thousand years from now, I hope you've enjoyed the first 15 years of this blog. And, maybe, just maybe, there may be another 15 more years of posts to continue on to. I should be so lucky! If so, I'll touch base with another anniversary post, this one for KoDe's 30th, sometime in the year 2035.