A few years back, I used to annually post a record of actual news headlines that reported on disasters around the world occurring on December 25th. My intent was to tongue-in-cheek point out that Christmas was not, in fact, a special time of each year "blessed" with a "Get Out of Jail Free" pass by the "almighty" just because it's a revered holiday of the Christians. It was a petty thing, to copy and paste news of mass deaths and natural, or otherwise, disasters which happened to take place on that one day. 

In case you haven't read enough of this blog, you should know I don't have a really positive attitude about Christianity and I generally regard it as a horrible and destructive influence on mankind. So to twist the "spirit" of the season around and play up to the "shock" value, I was lashing out in a futile and immature way just because, well, just because I could. It's my blog and I can say what I want in it. 

But I discontinued the practice quite some years ago and never looked back. It wasn't worth it. 

Taxed with finding an additional two tiles to complete the December entry for my recent Blog In Review post, I grabbed the Evil Santa image above and threw it in there figuring I'd give the ol' silly Horror Christmas posts another go. 

But, last night and this morning, I go scanning around for juicy bad news about things that went awry on Christmas Day and the news cycles, in the US at least, are mainly dominated by one mysterious explosion which rocked downtown Nashville, Tennessee but left only three reported injuries. The rest of the news items mainly focus, of course, on Covid shit which isn't relegated to just one day as we know and Trump playing golf and ignoring the Covid crisis and stimulus bill since he wants, supposedly, to increase the per person stipend to to $2,000 each. Of course the media thinks he's doing this as an excuse to stall signing the bill so it fails, which is his real, nefarious intent, so would CNN have us believe. I frankly don't know, and don't care. But overall, as you can see, there isn't a lot going on, it would seem. 

Some news providers are still focusing on this Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and others are choosing to put the spotlight on positive, loving things happening around the globe. AH! Where're my disasters?! I think it's a case of the news media reading the room and they gauge, probably correctly so, that we're all suffering a bit of BNFS...Bad News Fatigue Syndrome. 

2020 has been too rough a year for us, collectively, and were sick of it. I don't think it Howard Beale goading us all on to scream that we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I don't think we have the energy for such an act of defiance. I think it's more like we all just want to have a warm glass of milk, maybe a Valium or two, and curl up in our warm beds and dream this year away. You know what? I'm with y'all! Screw making fun of the Yuletide season, let them be deluded. It's their opium, who am I to yank the pipe away from them. Puff on, people, puff on. 

There goes Mrs. Morin spinning in her grave again.