Trump Trumping All


My posts about the political landscape of my country are available for discernment and dissection. I will admit I've enthusiastically at times been quite left and pro-Democratic party. And, as far as I feel today, I'm still very much a FDR, JFK and Claiborne Pell Democrat. But to be honest, it's been a minute or two from the Claiborne Pell era.

And now comes this.

Who knew Trump could be effective, let alone actually influential in the Middle East Peace problem which has plagued this world for about seventy plus years? 

Today, Bahrain and the UAE (which includes the famous cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai), signed a treaty at the White House normalizing relations with Israel.

Trump says that this is just the beginning and other Arab nations are soon to follow.

And, for once, I believe him. And when Saudi Arabia finally does, that's it folks...we have the biggest US brokered peace deal in history. Forget Carter's Camp David accords. Palestine will have no choice but to accept whatever Israel offers it, which, in my humble opinion, with the world's eyes watching, will be very, very generous and should be unhesitatingly accepted.

If this happens before November...


Donald Trump will win another term.

And, you know what? If he can achieve this, we gotta give him a lot of credit not given to him yet.