Now A Coin Shortage?

I rarely treat myself to fast food but today I thought I'd get me some KFC. At the drive thru, I saw a sign similar to the one in the pic above. Apparently, we're experiencing the next fuckin' crisis of this fucked up year...a shortage of coin currency!

WTF? How does that happen? The clip below says it's due to concerns over COVID-19. I don't see how it relates? People are still dealing with paper money and that should be a lot more porous, thus susceptible to harboring germs. The piece indicates that the Mint has reduced production in order to protect employees. Freshly minted coins should be sterile, right? I mean, from the sheets of metal they're cut from to the die process to stamping and wrapping, I thought it was all done by machines?

Read the comments on this YouTube vid. Naturally, being YouTube, it's rife with conspiracy nuts. But when you think about it, a lot of what they have to say makes "cents." (a little pun there, get it?)

We are living in weird times my friend.

EDIT: Another fucking change to Blooger. It appears Google has again fucked with the Blogger interface and I can't figure out how to use HTML editing anymore so I can't embed YouTube videos the way I want. I'm left with their puny default "insert video" option as you see above. Arrgh!