SCRAPBOOK: Blog Excavations Part Two

This one was some gay guy grinding out a living in NYC, sharing an apartment in Queens with about four other guys, comparing his new city life with his rural Midwestern upbringing. He lost his job in the recession and it was just a matter of time. He continued to sporadically post after he failed to find new employment in the big city and moved back to his small hometown. He abandoned updating it in mid 2012.

This isn't your traditional blog per se but it was one I bookmarked and referred to for updates every now and again. Now even in the mid to late aughts when I found this site, this style and format was already quite archaic. This, kiddies, is pretty much what the very first amateur websites looked like. Despite it's looks, though, it is still very much active. The site is broken into various subjects which the author feels he has something to write about. Quite eclectic indeed. Methinks this guy Vaughn has a lot of time on his hands.

This blog is focused on the experiences of a Hollywood crewmember. How often do you hear or read about them? Tirelessly doing the behind-the-scenes grunge work to make our TV shows and movies look great. Gaffers, boom operators, production assistants etc. This guy's a juicer, an electrician/set builder/gopher. He even has a few salacious stories to tell about where the bodies may or may not be buried in good ol' tawdry Tinseltown.

These guys really got me thinking about mobile home living. In this blog they detail their remodel of an older trailer into a beautiful home on a retiree's budget.

For a walk on the wild side, there's this one, another one still kicking it seems. All about an aging queen who likes to pick up barrio trade, take them home and write all about it. Riveting stuff and written so poetically it makes you wanna cry, or jerk off...or both at the same time.

This one's a treasure trove of all things Disney, and I mean mostly historical Disney. This one is as if it's a meticulously maintained archive of Disney memorabilia administered by the company themselves, but it's really just some random fan. Thankfully, it's still going so it'll no doubt chronicle for future web archaeologists the truly historic times Disney, and all of us, are going through right now.