Let The Corona Games Begin!

The other day talking with Ric, he mentioned how he thought it looked like the Hunger Games whenever he watched the nightly coronovirus press conference on TV.

Not myself a viewer of broadcast TV, I had seen only a couple of these in clips only from CNN.com. Since CNN has a fucking hardon for making a mockery out of Trump himself, their clips tend to only focus on him being a douche ad infinitum.

(CNN needs to let it go. We know he's a douche, we don't need you to exclusively make him the object of everything. Deep inside, I think he likes it. Like the old saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. But I digress.) 

Since my scope of these regularly held announcements has been so limited, I never saw a certain member of the assembled team of White House Covid-19 superheros on display.

Today I finally saw what Ric meant. Dr. Deborah Birx stood out from the crowd immediately to my eye not because she's a woman, but because of her colorful scarf.

Certainly, if not outright Hermes, most assuredly quite expensive, these fashion accessories seem to be a signature thing for her. Wrapping her lily white, rich bitch neck in a variety of knots and weaves, these silk statements of feminine "I'm better than you" are accompanied by just as high-end designer house fashion blouses and "lady-suits" and her Betty Ford-esque heavily Aqua Net-ed hairdo all to beam her Republican-ness out to the TV sets of the masses, huddled in their little people hovels watching as she shows up each night in a different array of color and panache. All the better to quell the dirty, dirty quarantined plebs and dazzle them into a stupor.

"You like?" she seems to secretly wonder as she prances on the podium showcasing her daily choice of fabulous silk scarves.

"Well, maybe you can buy one with the $1,200 we're giving you soon."

"But Dr. Birx," exclaims a hapless reporter from NBC, ABC, CNN or any network that isn't FOX News or Info Wars, "The people can't buy designer scarves, they need food and medicine and toilet paper, oh for the love of God they need toilet paper!"

"Yes. of course, well they should do like I do and simply use their Hermes to wipe their fucking ass."