As of 12:05 pm, I've sold all my positions in my mutual fund portfolio.

I know this shit's gonna be 2008 all over again. I can't keep riding this fucking roller coaster. I have no fucking income, and as a member of that high-risk population, in several criterion, I need to literally survive on what I have. I don't see this shit getting better within my framework of what's tolerable so I let it go and I'll be holding what remains in an all cash account at Schwab...for now.

Maybe if things get better in several months time, and by better I mean solid market gains bolstered by stability, I'll regain my holdings. But I fear the worse. I really think we'll see even bigger losses throughout this summer and perhaps until after the election.

Or maybe I'll Op V this shit too. That is, cash out totally, like, for real cash, and screw the penalties and taxes. Mmmmmwaaa, baby.

Spilled milk, I know, but it stings mightily when I think back to just nary a month ago or so when I was up near 50 K. And I don't feel confident enough to try and wait it out 'till I at least recoup to around 38 and change, the amount I entered this IRA now almost two years ago.

Schwab executes sell orders on mutual funds at the end of trading for the day so I expect I'll get dinged a further 3-4% since that's what the S&P500 is doing right now. We'll see.

And it's that sense of total uncertainty, the "we'll see" of it all that has me so riled. Will it get better anytime soon? Or will it really just go from the freakin' frying pan and get dumped straight into the fucking fire?

EDIT: Less than a week after this pull out, the market started to rebound for several days in a row so I thought, "Yeah, it'll be alright..." and I jumped back in splitting $30K between the Alger and Schwab S&P 500 Index funds on 4/9. The market continued to rise through the next two days while my buy order was in what appears to be a staging cycle until the 13th? IDK, but I made a measly penny, yup, one cent in profit. On the 13th, the market, of course, went down so as of now, the evening of the 13th I'm down about $130 more than before. How is this shit not gambling? It feels the same as it, and I get the same fucking results.