Covered In The Blood Of Jesus

I clicked on a video article this morning and within a few seconds I heard some dumb fuck utter the most inane thing...but her statement is likely one of the leading reasons this country has the highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the world.

"I'm covered in the blood of Jesus!"

A CNN reporter poking his properly-extended fuzzy microphone into the faces of drivers leaving the parking area of one of those born-again megachurches (although it's unknown if the mic was sanitized for each separate use, just sayin') asking people if they felt it was wise to be congregating in a large group during this pandemic.

The arrogant cunt shown above vehemently defends her decision and deflects each question from the reporter, repeatedly implying her faith makes her immune to either get the virus or spread it, since the imaginary blood of an imaginary being insulated her from it.

The video showed celebrants hugging each other upon arrival at the church entrance, totally ignoring anything even resembling social distancing. The pastor was also one of those interviewed and he defended the decision to have the gathering even though the church has a video streaming option. Just as he was pulling away, the pastor warned, "You better not print no fake news about me, or you're gonna hear from me."

Aside from his lazily-drawled double negative and his error in thinking CNN was print media, what really exposes his world view, however dim it may be, is repeating the oft-used term "fake news." It seems he too, like his buddy Trump, is much more concerned with his image than public safety or spreading misinformation.

I think if we need any visuals for grasping the idea of being "covered in the blood of Jesus," frankly, it would be simply this:

Like droplets of blood

It's not only here in America where one finds arrogance and ignorance running with scissors together.

MSN reports of churchgoers gathering for mass in Catholic Latin American countries, with glove and mask-free priests placing communion wafers on parishioners tongues as they tightly crowd up at the altar.

Reuters reports of Pakistani worshippers clashing with police who were attempting to discourage gathering at mosques.

As this pandemic really starts to rear its ugly head (that's right folks, we ain't seen nothing yet) more and more of these boneheads are going to start jeopardizing anything resembling a speedy recovery. This is nothing to say of the really, I mean REALLY crazy motherfuckers who, no doubt, see this crisis as foretold prophesy and do shit to help usher in a New Age. I'm talking everything from willful contamination to capitalizing on the weakened economy and infrastructure to commence the End Times gambit...just let your imagination run free for a few seconds to postulate what THAT could mean. "Nah, that can't happen." Really, well who would have thought the shit we're in now could have happened?

When we come out the other side of this, hopefully, maybe we should all examine this antique and repeatedly-dangerous notion of God and which way "He" wants you to give him a handjob.

Wake the fuck up and realize the fact that we have only each other to depend on to succeed through shit like this and we all have to do our part!

No bogeyman's bodily fluids are going to save you.