TRAVELOGUE: Shortened Nassau Cruise: Day 3

Friday, September 6, 2019
Nassau, Bahamas

Outfit: Khaki cargo shorts, red plaid button-down (day) and black B-52s T-shirt (night)

VERY hungover today. Had a light breakfast of eggs bene, sausage, grilled tomato and wilted spinach at WJ. Had one bite of baked beans...not good.

Went ashore for my "Essential Nassau" excursion. Very hot and humid with a bright obnoxious sun, in my condition, made me weak, lethargic, achy, nauseous and sweaty AF. Thankfully, we were driven around in a well air conditioned mini-bus. Our driver..."Captain Rico Sauve" was awesome. Spoke with a really good American accent (yet he was indeed Bahamanian) and referenced a lot of American idioms and pop culture. Many of us were given celebrity names. I was Bruce Willis. The tour was 20% cultural exposure and 80% designed to make us spend money. Ah well...shoulda seen this coming. I get the hunch that's what most of these Caribbean "cultural" excursions really traps!

I was going to write about each stop but since I took pics I'll let them show you. The main stops (where we got our asses and our wallets out) were the Bahamas Rum Cake Factory (cakes, duh), Atlantis Hotel Resort (casino), Fort Fincastle (circled by straw market stalls), John Watlings Distillery (rum) and Twin Brothers restaurant in the Fish Fry area (lunch).

As the three and a half hour tour ended, our driver expressed to us his wishes for the speedy recovery of his beloved country from Hurricane Dorian's destructive force. He told us of the heartache felt throughout the nation. Yes, here in Nassau they were fully spared, not so much as twig out of place it seems, but in those northern island communities there's little more than rubble and a lot of deaths. Captain Rico predicts the number killed will exceed 700! I tipped him a twenty and bid him good luck. He's about to charter a supply aid plane from Opa Locka to Abaco Island this weekend. I wish him and his people well.

Much resting in my cool cabin after a refreshing shower after the excursion. Dinner at WJ of Linguine and tomato sauce (meh), Island curry chicken and red beans and rice (good), and yes, of course, mashed potatoes. Tonight's first show was a pretty nifty ventriloquist (Kevin Johnson) act and at 11 pm (yes I managed to stay up) the "adult" comic musings of our comedian for the week few days Don. Not especially vulgar. I think RC makes them tone it down a bit 'cause this guys a rough and tumble dude from the mean streets of South Boston...I mean I bet he could really let it rip if he could. Met him in the elevator after the show and congratulated him on his set but he seemed more concerned there was a low turn out of about 40 people. Hope he doesn't get paid by the head count.