TRAVELOGUE: Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico Cruise: Day 7

Sunday, September 22, 2019

At Sea

I avoided breakfast today and opted to have a couple burgers at the grill for lunch. Kinda wet and rainy early on with skies clearing in the afternoon but the seas were consistently choppy and I saw several people affected with ashen faces. Yea, it was choppier than the first night two weeks ago on Majesty.

Went to a 3:30 show Master Chef at Sea sponsored by the producers of the TV show. I've never seen it since I don't have regular TV but I've seen cooking competition shows just like it. It had a good premise: selected passengers who won a cooking quiz competition during "casting" earlier in the week competed on stage to create a dish with a few limited food items. And I do mean limited. Prosciutto, sliced white bread, Swiss cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, shredded lettuce. As the host (our assistant cruise director) stated, the challenge was to make a dish that wasn't a ham and cheese sandwich. There was nothing to cook with, not even a microwave so they had no basically come up with a salad in a fancy presentation.

The show took place in the theater which on this ship is on a lower deck all the way forward. The assistant cruise director admitted that this was the worst place on the ship during rough seas. Sure enough, a few set items had to be shored up because they were tilting or in danger of falling and the whole gang on stage had trouble staying balanced from time to time. The two Italian guys in Team 3 (on the right in the picture) kept having to go off stage because they were totally seasick. How horrible for them to be seasick and playing around with prosciutto, cheese and balsamic vinegar. At least they didn't puke right there on stage.

Captain blamed the weather on another tropical storm that just passed nearby and is heading northward towards Bermuda. I'm oblivious. Not wanting to pay their outrageous ransom for internet, I'm cut off to the rest of the world, especially the US, except for CNN, but they're just going on and on about this whistle-blower shit. I guess it might be a big thing after all.

Sunset over the sea on the last night of the cruise. How romantic. Had dinner in the buffet so again, another cruise where I totally ignore the dining room (except for that one breakfast). Went at 7:45 before the 7:15 show let out. I think that's the key to insuring a less crowded experience in the buffet. Too bad it took me the whole week to figure it out.

The last theater show of the cruise was planned to be the "Abyss." But instead, because of the dangerous choppy seas so said the cruise director, we got more Italian singing. Oh joy. And the little kids in the kids program sand and danced about a shark family. I think they shoulda had the kids do a show about a mafia family meeting a fascist family. That would have been more Italiano.

Here we are slipping into Miami Harbor very early the next morning: