Saturday Night Sebring Bar Brawl

Ric came down Saturday afternoon for an overnight stay and, like last time, we got good and drunk and ate too much and, in my case, a nasty more than just one area.

Like before, we first went to Beef O'Brady's for wings and beer. No shots this time and the check for me came up to just over $30 with the tip so not bad there. His was like $50 or so, I think. He had many more wings.

Next was a quick uber to Dimitri's for the best freakin' pizza ever...anywhere. Both Ric and I are floored by this place. Nice atmosphere (we sat outside this time) and awesome pies. We had the Sebring Pie, white garlic sauce (like a tziziki), spinach, roma tomatoes, basil, mozzarella and provolone. To die for. Ric also got a small Prociutto and Arugula pie. He really liked that from the last visit. The Sebring pie was better, I think. He paid here. With our five pitchers of beer and another dish for Ric, gator tail, it came up to just over $100.

Our last place was the new Mexican restaurant/bar on Rt. 27 right near my house: Azul Tequila. I'd already visited this place when I had my car worked on at the local auto mechanic and Ric agreed with me this place has great atmosphere. The drinks, in retrospect were too pricey and not strong enough. Our margaritas and beers between us cost a whopping $120 or so (with a nice tip)! (Ric ordered an extra shot of Petron with each of his frozen margaritas)

Adding in the Uber rides to and from Dimitri's, we had our asses kicked to the tune of over $300 for the evening.

Walking home from Azul Tequila, we took a "short cut" through the parking lot of Center State bank which has a short wall and bushes separating it from my mobile home park. Well my drunk fat ass slipped when jumping over the wall and I landed smack down hard on my lower back. It looks like a stump of one of the bushes stabbed right into my fatty area back there, almost puncturing the skin. But the impact was strong enough to definitely break a ton of flesh under the skin right down to the muscle. The pain was pretty crisp as I sobered up towards the morning and now two days later it's better but I still have trouble lying down and sleeping. The bruise is huge and ugly. I'm lucky I landed where I did. Had that impact happened closer to my spine or near any less fat-insulated area, it would have been a lot worse.

Hopefully it'll be a few months more before Ric comes to visit again. My wallet and my body needs to recover from this beating.