So do you think the theme park with the big golf ball and all the country pavilions is the original idea Walt Disney had in mind when he thought of E.P.C.O.T.?

Not at all.

While the real-life Epcot is indeed a very nice theme park, it's not quite the revolutionary model city Walt had in mind.

I'd known this for years, but only yesterday did I watch the actual film where Walt Disney presents his concept in detail for this new attraction/lifestyle.

Here's the beginning of my pale version of his dream. I have quite a ways to go. PC isn't going to actually be able to accurately simulate the whole interactivity of the living city that is the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (E.P.C.O.T.), Cities Skylines might do that better, but I see on the YouTubes that many have beat me to it in that game.

Here's the film that sparked this adventure BTW. It's really old-skool cool from a man who was waaaay ahead of his time.