Happy 50th Anniversary, Mr. Kubrick

As we all now know, 50 years ago today director Stanley Kubrick created the visual fantasy of the first man walking on the moon. He even dropped a gay breadcrumb about it years later in his movie "The Shining" dressing the child actor playing Danny Torrance in an Apollo 11 sweater.

Or so some kooks would have you believe.

Of course, the moon landing WAS REAL and Kubrick had nothing to do with anything of the sort. Yet it still boggles the mind, even 50 years later and with all our more advanced technology, at the truly amazing feat that undertaking was.

Congratulations to the crew of Apollo 11 for this stunning achievement! And by crew, I speak not only of the men in the spacecraft who ventured to the moon and back, but all the men and women back on Earth who got them there and returned them safely home.