AronRa Is The Lawgiver

For a number of years now I've been religiously following (yes that's a pun) a fellow named AronRa on YouTube. He's made quite a YouTube channel for himself where he posts videos offering all manner of superbly-researched and expertly-worded information about atheism, religious quackery and evolution. Arguably, he's mankind's number one atheist (with both Madeline Murray O'Hare's and Christopher Hitchens' untimely passing, may no god rest their non-existent souls) armed, similarly as his British counterpart Richard Dawkins, with a rapier wit and a cacophonous archive of knowledge, more than sufficient to best any rambling creationist kook out there.

Other than his numerous displays of his always-victorious debates against the pablum guzzlers and science-hating troglodytes, he notably has an awesome series of videos in which he "systematically" lays down the law of evolution via "mylogenetic phylogenic taxonomy" simply called "Systematic Classification of Life."

My experience with systematic classification in high school biology was Mr. Nolan's 11th grade class where we learned this little mnemonic which still lives in the corner of my brain:

Kitchen Patrol Cleans Only Filthy Greasy Stoves

Using the first letters of each word in this phrase creates this list:

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (which I listed out just now from memory thanks to Mr. Nolan)

AronRa's "list" would likely be "un-mnemonical" since it's so complex and, being such, requires him to educate us viewers with the full-out scientifically accurate nomenclature, terms and concepts chock-full of big ol' five dollar words and such. But despite this learning curve, the series is narrated in a soothing and calmly confident cadence, almost Bob Ross-ian, as we nod in agreement and satisfaction in the simple logic of his teachings. His visual camera presence is captivating, standing there slightly to the left of his green-screened collage of images, gazing at us nonchalantly as he beams his magnificence by way of his heavy metal themed look, his mighty frame looming large before us, gesturing slightly here and there as his long hard rock hair wafts gently in the breeze of his off-screen fan.

AronRa! AronRa! AronRa! We chant silently to ourselves. For He is The Lawgiver!

This series has been posted, episode after episode, usually one or two a month on average, over the past couple of years now and with the most recent one, nearing the home stretch, it's coming close to an end. You see, in this series, he runs methodically through the eons of life on Earth, from the smallest single celled creatures to us, Man. Humans, that is, Homo Sapiens. (If that's still our nomenclature. With the shit going on these days, I'd say even that isn't a sure thing.)

By the way, with the latest episode, we are now finally at Hominoidea. The Apes.

And yes, as his series has taught again and again, we are the product of our genetic ancestry so we are in this category like similar off-shoots of this line like the gorilla, the orangutan and chimpanzees. And since we are the most prolific by far and (arguably) most influential (Douglas Adams' white mice not withstanding), we all live on what could be called The Planet of the Apes. ('s this clip again:)