SIMS CREATION: My Apartments Through The Years Series, Part 2

I posted Part 1 of this series four years ago but after finding the pic I made for it while rummaging through my hard drive I decided to continue on...finally.

Here's the place I moved to after escaping Woonsocket for the last time. This was the first floor tenement house apartment off Chalkstone in Providence I moved in with Wayne back in March of 1992.

Ah the memories here...

Introduction to the computer age...

My first IBM-PC
My first modem
My first BBS and AOL hook-ups

The neighbors...

The ghetto upstairs white trash with kids
The ghetto next door white trash with kids
The ghetto older kids on the other side breaking into my house

Alchy times...

The two big parties, housewarming and my birthday
New York trip, sneaky drinking and stealing booze
The Smashing Glass incident

Sober times...

PPA, One meal a day, Richard Simmons Deal-a-Meal, Covert Bailey
Aerobics to Jane Fonda, Stepping, Endurance biking
Hermitting to avoid relapse

The set up seen in these first two pics is the way the apartment looked while Wayne lived with me.

When he moved out in '94, I made his room my home gym/studio/office, build my half walls in the living/dining room and refurnished those rooms entirely. The result is shown in these two pics.