TRAVELOGUE: Western Caribbean Cruise 2019: Day 5

Thursday, April 11, 2019

At Sea.

Outfit: Black shorts, Maroon "Costa Maya" t-shirt (bought yesterday)

Breakfast: Brazilian mini-buffet at Moderno

Lunch: Garden Cafe

Dinner: Italian Night at Garden Cafe

Drinks: Bottle of San Pellegrino sparkling water from mini-bar. No alcohol.

Entertainment: "Burn the Floor" in Breakaway Theater

Hang-over was real today. Slept late, played a video game on my Kindle, finished the Michael Crichton novel I'd started on the cruise in November, watched golf on TV. Sat in a quiet nook of chairs near the piano at Shaker's Bar. There really wasn't anything of much fun to do. The non-featured entertainment this cruise was pretty sucky.

We had a different cruise director this go 'round, not sure if that's why? This guy, JC, like Dan Dan, his predecessor, is a fat gay Filipino with a pretty okay grasp of American culture and idioms but his accent was really weird. The Filipino chirpy staccato with full gay lisp and an awkward over-enunciation like he was trying to fake an Old Skool BBC British accent.

"Burn the Floor" was good, like last time, but by the end of the show, I was ready to call it an early night so I could be refreshed for the drive home in the morning. Turns out I slept poorly and paid for it with my once-again tortured overland roadtrip throughout the next day. UGH!

Oh well, at least getting up at the crack of dawn allowed me to shoot this grand entrance, rolling up the Mighty Mississip into the sleepy arms of the Big Easy: