TRAVELOGUE: Western Caribbean Cruise 2019: Day 1

The View from my Balcony

Check this post out from late last month as to why I'm on this virtually same vacation as I took back in November of last year to get you up to speed, otherwise, let's dive right in to this trip, shall we?

Sunday, April 7, 2019

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Outfit: Black shorts, green JB's Fish Camp t-shirt and the grey Daytona hoodie. (When not on outside decks, I swapped the hoodie for my light blue plaid short-sleeve button-down.)

Breakfast: Nutigrain bars, PB/Cheese crackers on the road.

Lunch: Nibbles from the Garden Cafe (Main Buffet)

Dinner: Prime Rib special at Garden Cafe

Drinks: 2 Long Island Iced Teas (Drink Special of the Day) at Atrium Bar, 2 of the same at O'Sheehan's, (and yet another 2 found abandoned near Malting's...ewww!), my free bottle of champagne (as a Latitudes member), and 2 Coronas from the cabin mini-bar. Yes, I got fucked up!

Despite preparing at the beginning of the weekend by shifting my sleep to daytime and getting in extra hours, not to mention the cups of coffee, little bottles of 5-Hour Energy and many snacks, before I was halfway to New Orleans, I was moaning heavily, lamenting the torture of this long, long drive. Nodding off repeatedly, aching all over and constantly wishing it were over soon, I really hated my arduous journey on the dark, boring and irritatingly foggy road. I never want to make this drive again. Oh, but I have to drive back on Friday don't I?

After many, many rest stops, fuel stops, restroom stops, stretch stops, taking well over 12 hours through the entire night, I finally arrived in New Orleans around 9:30 am (Central). Of course, as I expected, there was a long line for parking and I was finally able to make my way up to the Riverwalk Mall food court around 10:30. Unlike last time, I didn't feel like starting early with a few Abitas from the Fat Tuesday's concession, I knew I'd want to curl up and pass out right there if I did. I just hung out on the patio and looked up at the Breakaway. I even spotted where my cabin was as indicated in this pic here:

My Cabin #11722

Embarkation was smoother than last time for sure. Practically got right on at my assigned time. Weather was chilly for April but not as cold as in November, still needed a hoodie though. Since this was to be a 5 day excursion, I took less bags including leaving my heavy 17" laptop at home. That was a stupid decision last time for sure. I only used it to write my daily travelogue entries on Notepad. You know what I used this time? A real notepad. Pen and paper. Much, much lighter.

Chose to forgo any Sail-Away party (even though I know where it was now) and no Jeri Sanger or anything interesting by way of entertainment in my humble opinion this night so, as you can see by the rundown above, including snatching up drinks left abandoned by strangers, I chose to get as fucked up as possible!

I don't remember my dinner at all. I deduced my actions by the fact that it was Prime Rib night in the buffet, I like Prime Rib and I had Prime Rib gristle stuck in my teeth when I woke up the next day. #Blackout Fun! I passed out in my cabin around 9:00.