So Long Cozmorio. Welcome Back Drella.

With my first modem back in 1992 (BINT) came the need for my first email name and username for chatrooms and BBS messages and such. From 1992 to 1995, I'm pretty sure it was "drella" on Compuserve, Prodigy and AOL but I'm not entirely positive. I think I had to add a number or two after the name since it had already been taken. Yes, even back then.

After all "Drella" isn't totally unique. For Andy Warhol fans, it's well-known as a nickname for him coined by Ondine, one of his Velvet Underground Factory denizens as a contraction of Dracula and Cinderella. Lou Reed even wrote "Songs for Drella" as a dedication to Warhol.

If I wasn't simply "drella" (small-case on purpose since usernames were all small-case back then) then it was "nastar1" another early online moniker.

After I founded Cozmo's Gizmos, my computer hardware, software and services company I ran with my buddy John C. in 1995, I changed my online avatar to a contraction of my company's name "cozgiz." But after that business pretty much died out, I wanted my online name to re-include a reference to Nastralia like the "nastar" name so I created "cozmorio" ("cozmo" from Cozmo's Gizmos and "rio" from Riothamus, Imperial Title of the ruler of Nastralia) probably sometime around 1998 after leaving att.worldnet and going somewhere...I can't remember. It was so long ago and ISPs were changing left and right back then. Nevertheless, I've had the cozmorio name for a long, long time.

But today I reestablished the old "drella" name under a new Yahoo Mail account "drella 19" (my first Yahoo account may well have been under the drella name BTW) and abandoned cozmorio to the waste heap of a gmail account I'll chose to very infrequently check on.

My Inbox has eight emails in it. Awww. It's like the good old days.

Today I also activated my T-Mobile phone number and cancelled my AT&T number.

The creditors are still in the polite "Let us help you find a solution to your debt" phase, yet they are persistent. Before long, they may not be so nice, and perhaps even more persistent. Good luck to them. I'll pop in to Gmail every now and then to do a temperature check. As for the phone...I can finally take it off sleep mode.