The Traditional Outgoing President's Note

Reading about the death of George H. W. Bush last night, I found an article that remembered a poignant keepsake he left for his successor, Bill Clinton, on Clinton's inauguration day. This is the traditional note an outgoing president leaves for the new president as an indication of the peacefulness and dignity our country conducts during the transition of one government to the next. In the article, Bush was praised for his especially graceful and obviously genuine well-wishes to his political opponent despite a tough campaign.

It made me wonder how the current president will act when the time comes for him to hand over the keys, so to speak, of the White House.

First of all, it won't be a hand-written letter on nice stationary, it'll be a tweet, of course. I kinda think it'll go something like this:

Oh, what am I thinking? Of course, there won't be a tweet. He won't have access online from his cell in Federal Prison. Maybe he could write in crayon?