G.I. Joe With The Kung-Fu Grip Effect?

In one of my favorite movies of all time, "Trading Places," unwitting-human-lab-rat Billy Valentine (Eddie Murphy) explains his theory of why the market has soured that morning on a commodity future. He's a quick-learner who thinks he's being groomed for a commodity broker's career (though in fact his position is just the result of a sick social experiment by the heartless elitist Koch er, I mean Duke brothers) but he's blended his newly-learned market know-how with his ghetto street-wisdom to come up with his reasoning for the price drops.

According to Valentine (who, by the scene shown below, in homage to the then well-known E. F. Hutton commercials, becomes a highly respected market analyst to the Philadelphia hoity toity) the market was being affected primarily by greed. You see, as he figured it, the fat cats sitting on pork belly contracts were "goin' bat shit" needing to cash out in order to get money to buy their sons the latest G.I. Joes with the Kung-Fu Grip for Christmas and make sure their wives would f...make love to them.

So I think this same assumption can be applied to our current stock market woes. It's the only explanation. The market has already proven in recent times that it doesn't give a shit about that idiot in the White House, it doesn't care about the pleas of the poor, and it shits on us "middle class" selling us the lie that stocks are where your life-savings should be invested.

But fuck if their wives clamp down tight their rich-bitch pussies and their snot-nosed brats don't get their G.I. Joe with the fucking Kung-Fu Grip, motherfucker!