2018 Memories - The Movie

Written, edited, scored and directed by my iPhone's artificial intelligence! (I'm just the cinematographer)

I was going through my phone's photo albums and saw an option to "make memories" or something like that. Like so many things on my phone (I'm such a smartphone luddite) I had no idea what I was doing so I pressed the button. The phone "took over" and said "wait there useless human" while it got really hot and a minute or two later it said it was done. "Done with what?" I thought. I saw a PLAY symbol, hit it and, wha la, a cute little slideshow movie created by the phone all by itself.

It used pictures from my photo albums, selected only the ones its algorithms must have deemed "memory worthy," stitched them together, slapped a little "2018" title on and scored it with a jaunty tune. And it looks great! The pics it chose were pretty good, except perhaps for the one I took of my rental car in the parking garage of a Cincinnati casino so I wouldn't forget where I parked, but not bad at all...for a computer.

I often forget too that pictures taken with an iPhone have that feature where essentially, for each shot, you can select from a small series of consecutive photos taken in the span of a couple of seconds. I kinda thought that was a pretty useless hog of space and though my phone has 64GB, my iCloud constantly complains it's out of room for backups and I refuse to pay even 99 cents a month for more space. But seeing the feature used in a movie, it looks like I shot lots of video, when in fact the images used were almost all just snapshots.

One day soon we're gonna see whole feature films being made by artificial intelligence. It's an awesome thought...or is it?
