TRAVELOGUE: Western Caribbean Cruise: Day 7

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Somewhere in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico

My hangover was rather mild. Usually is if the alcohol is high quality and the rum was. Still, I didn't have much of a breakfast appetite so just had a wedge of chocolate French toast with syrup, a small yogurt and some corned beef hash. Oh and a couple of link sausages. Call it last day of cruise blues but I wasn't in a great mood today and it even affected how my food tasted apparently. The French toast was dry, the hash tasted funny, the sausage was cold and the yogurt was warm. Even the coffee sucked today. I couldn't even finish one cup. Remember how on the first day everything tasted wonderful?

The daily itinerary had a bunch of either repeats or crap...oh, but a ton of last minute sales presentations for the art gallery, duty-free shop, future cruises (again this morning, like yesterday, they left a telemarketing-style sales pitch voice mail on my stateroom phone) and the raffle cards! What a scam those are. They sell them for $5 a card, a bit of a discount for more, you pull tabs and find out if you won! I didn't have the gall to ask for an odds of winning table but I'm sure the odds suck anyway. Needless to say I attended no sales pitch "activities" or other boring shit. I hung out and read my Kindle book: an old Michael Crichton novel I hadn't read before "A Case of Need."

It must have originally been published in the sixties or very early seventies 'cause it's about a rich girl who dies mysteriously after what looks to be a botched abortion...when abortions were illegal. Amazon Prime had it in my suggested Kindle book reading feed. I wonder why? (Newly-appointed Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh is a staunch right-wing Republican and it's feared he may be a deciding vote in swaying the Court to reverse Roe v. Wade. Hmmmm, coincidence? I think not.)

Oh, BTW, as I'm typing, guess who came to do an inventory of my mini-fridge liquor? My ol' pal Albert. "Do you need anything, sir?" "No," I say, "I should be all set." (Although he hadn't done a turndown service this evening and it's 7:30 pm now. No towel animal for me tonight! LOL!) "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." He said with an expectant lilt, perhaps planning to present me with the tip envelope. "No he won't." I thought. I'll be self disembarking in the morning since I can carry all my luggage to the pier myself. I plan on doing so as early as possible.

There was some high drama on the seas today as someone needed to be med-evaced by Coast Guard helicopter. The helipad is right outside my room window but I was on the 15th deck at the time reading my book. I made my way back to my cabin but it had left before I could walk down that mile-long corridor. They even had a Coast Guard airplane fly nearby I guess to insure a safe passage for the helicopter? IDK. All I do know is they had a hell of a distance to fly, we were about 250 miles away from New Orleans at the time.

Oh, speaking of passengers having medical emergencies, all week there have been PA announcements being made about "Code Alpha." They'd go like: "Code Alpha, Deck 7, Ocean restaurant!" or "Code Alpha, Deck 15, Aft Elevators!" Me thinks people are droppin' like flies on this ship.

I guess they didn't "washy, washy!"