
Saw Dr. Ditsy yesterday and again I can hear her in the next room talking to a patient warmly, conversationally, and sounding interested. I couldn't make out the actual words but I swear she was even speaking perfect English without any accent. Is she long-con gaslighting me?

Anyway, turns out she again lied to me when I pointed out that the bloodwork results she was reviewing lacked a thyroid level. She again said "Well I ordered it." and blamed it on the lab. Hmm. And this is a different lab from the last time so that's two nationally known labs, LabCorp and Quest that fucked up a patients bloodwork? I have half a mind to call Quest and ask to see the req. But if I confirm my suspicions, what do I do then? Confront her with her lie? She gave me a paper req to take in just for the thyroid level test so at least we'll get a fresh read on this. I've been on the same dose of Synthroids for years and the last levels test was, I think, 2015. Folks at LW had theirs checked every three months and often got dosage adjustments based on them. Aside form other factors contributing to my lack of energy, I suspect this to be a major cause. Hopefully we'll get it straightened out soon. I see her in six weeks.

Meanwhile though, since my BP is under better control than last in July, guess what I'm back on? Just took one and snorted 1/4 of another (oh yeah, I do that) and I'm feeling fine. (Heck, the doc even asked me if I wanted tablet or capsule form...duh?) I'm sitting up straight at my desk typing quickly, energized and just generally "chelating." After I'm done with this post I'll be attending to some of the finer benefits of this drug after a much too long wait. (wink wink) Don't judge me!

But as of this morning, I guess you can judge me again since I took this blog back online after a pre-employment blackout phase. I'm not applying for anything for the foreseeable future. At least not until I see I'm running a bit dry in the ol' coffers. That won't be this year anyway. Yeah, three cheers for early retirement! But for what it may cost me, I may not be cheering in ten years time when I'm up for real retirement. Like I'll make it that long. I'm a morbidly obese dude with diabetes and hypertension who snorts amphetamines. I may not outlive my money after all.