Map Of Nastralia

I whipped up this little map in an online fantasy mapmaking program called Inkarnate. Not a bad tool for a freebie. The user-interface was fairly straightforward and felt much like hand-drawing.

This is the first map I've drawn of Nastralia since maybe the late eighties/early nineties. All copies I'd made since 1975 were literally dumped in a dumpster during the purges just before leaving for New Orleans in 2003. I had to go only by memory. The names of places are pretty much accurate to what I'd had back in the day but I changed a few spellings here and there: I made up "Diamazi," changed Zimamblamalo to Ziamblamala, and changed the spelling of what was Norglobe and Troyika to be more abstract.

There used to be many more names of lands, cities and geographical features, of course, but, sadly, what you see is all I can remember.