
Remember the meme a couple years ago during the very public downward spiral of Charlie Sheen's  self-destructive career and life at the time? "Winning!"

Well I'm under no such delusions of rose-colored bullshit. I know what phase my life is in.


And stupid ass losses at that. Things that seemingly took the gods of fate great displays of their powers to come up with this shit:

Of course, there's the whole "job search" fiasco wherein I come up with only one solid offer and I decide in a fit of self-doubt and anxiety that I wouldn't be able to piss in a cup to even go through with a bout of a couple months of "professional trainee-ism."

Bills are trickling in from that worthless hospital stint. Not large amounts, but it seems like every doctor who saw me those two days is gettin' in their piece. Thankfully, I see by the invoices I'm not as "losing" as I would have been if I didn't have my wonderful Obamacare.

The tally is nearly a cool grand in balance transfer fees for that Plastic Pirate shit from a few weeks ago. And a couple of finance charges got posted to a few of the cards before I came to my senses and paid back to the interest-bearing accounts. Buy a house with no job...what was I thinking? But at least I have some $34,000 in my checking right now...just in case.

Oh, and about that "business trip" to Cincinnati; can't forget about that King's Island ticket. Bitch on the phone said i could re-sell it...um, I checked...just like our parks down here, you need to have ID so I can't re-sell it.

Another ticket I lose out on...the one I bought many months ago for the Kathy Griffin show. I was driving to it last night and just as some heavy-ass shit thunderstorm was dumping a massive amount of rain on Orlando, I was caught for over an hour in stopped traffic on I-4. Must have been some accident. By the time it cleared up (the traffic jam, not the rain...that shit kept goin') I was already way too late for my tastes to show up at the Bob Carr and probably be refused my seat like last time I was there late.

And last, so far, a job in the mental health field seems to have turned their nose up at me even after a face-to-face interview. Literally a first for this industry. Just as well, it would have been about ten times the work I had at LW at 2/3 the pay.

Oh wait, there's the lease renewal deal offered to me this week. For 12 more months here, I can enjoy my new toilet and A/C for just $72 more a month. Oh, but there's also a new Wi-Fi thinga-ma-jingy installed in my wall and that'll cost me an additional $75 more a month on top (whether I use it or not)...so, an effective raise of rent to the tune of $147 more a month!

At least I don't have two and a half men I could blow. Well, that wouldn't be such a bad thing really...;)