Keto Katebo Look

Here's a quick pic of my new Katebo Look taken just last night.

It's a slight remake of when, at the start of the era I call BINT (1992), Wayne snapped this photo of me while we were getting ready to enjoy our second day visiting my parents at their vacation timeshare condo in Mashpee, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod. My "haven't had enough coffee yet" glare has been called the Katebo Look. In other words, the "I have zero fucks to give" look.

I keep this old picture on my fridge to remind me of those heady days when I just quit drinking and was about to embark on my most successful fitness plan ever.

The new pic is thrown up here as a virtual pat on my own back and a fierce determination to fend off the demons that have done me in so many times in the past. And this time, I've got some gains to boast about...

As of three days ago I am one month sober.

And I'm about a week into a full out Keto diet. And I'm some 12 pounds lighter because of it.

So I guess you could call my new pose as a Keto Ketebo Look.

In fact, I think I'll feature posts in the coming weeks and months with KETOKATEBO: as the title header.