Job Wars: At Last, Glaze Eyed

More tones of gloom and doom at work. Despite being a non-profit, it appears the budget for employee payroll is robust enough (at least on the administrative side) to afford the hiring of three new management positions. Including a Lead Caregiver which, from the posted job specs, will be basically watching staff during a shift? Like a floor supervisor? IDK, we'll see soon enough I guess.

Oh, and even more ominous...these new positions are being created to fill a gap in the array of assigned duties that Jessica had because starting in January, she's taking over Charmaine's position as Caregiver Supervisor. That's right, Missy Fiddle Dee Dee is soon to be my new boss.

Pray for me.

Where's Charmy going? She'll take the job of Housekeeping Manager. Now unless this is a new management level position on a par with Louis' management of that department and taking that from him, the title of Housekeeping Manager was created about a year ago for Iris, one of the housekeepers who's been here for years and does a great job. I saw it as a reward title with just a smidge of management duties since Louis was still the admin-level manager of housekeeping. I assumed she would help with staffing and maybe tracking supplies for Louis to re-order and such. I mean Iris is a hard worker and very pleasant but, like all the housekeepers, took the job at minimum wage and I'd be floored if she had a full high school diploma (not a GED). Just sayin'...I mean, I've seen housekeepers write stuff in the Time Clock Exceptions report and they're obviously barely literate.

Did Charmy chose this demotion? Likely not. More of Jake's machinations or Jessica's? Heck, maybe even Susan's...I kinda think they crossed hairs on more than one occasion.

Well, as for me, I'm not shedding any tears about Charmy's plight. I knew she was incompetent from day one. And hyper-emotional. She swore I was being disrespectful to her back when she began in her supervisor role based on a couple of key words I typed in caps in an email response to her. I had to remind her that I wasn't being rude and "shouting" as she assumed, but basic email lacked italics or underlines so I used all caps for words I wanted to emphasize. She said after I spoke with her about it that she understood where I was coming from, but where do you think Jake's accusation of my "history" of being condescending to Charmy comes from? Hmm. (Maybe from the fact I nick-named her Charmy? Na, they don't see this and here is the only place I do that. Well, they don't see this anymore. Who knows about the years this was accessible to anyone. And will be again, since you're reading this online in the future and aren't me, right?)

Oh, and speaking of Jake, his current mot de guerre apparently is one of the stupidest things to get bent out of shape from. He replies to us in really snide ways if we make a mistake in the count of the residents in our Shift Summaries. Not the factuality or full accounting of resident actions during the shift. Just the typo error of including them or accidentally duplicating their name in the accountability roster.

It's hard to explain, but basically we report on each resident on-campus. If there's stuff to write regarding things they said or did or participated in or interacted with either each other or us staff...we describe that. If there's nothing to note, like the majority of residents during our shift since they would be asleep in bed all shift, then we simply include their name in the "nothing to report" section. Well, with 50 residents we, of course, are not typing in a list of 50 names each night, we copy and paste it from an already completed list. Then, we have to remember to delete them from that list if we separate their name and write it in the section where we report any thing of note. It's easy to forget to delete them, especially if we have a bunch of occurrences and various residents "upgraded" to the "things of note" section.

But if you're not a dick, you'd read about a resident and, say he/she woke up early and walked around campus for example, you'd read that comment and then if you saw their name down below also included in the list of residents with nothing to report, you'd know it was just a simple mistake of neglecting to delete them from the "nothing to report" section. I mean, I can think of mistakes staff frequently make that are far worse like copying and pasting information about a resident from a past report into the new one but, in fact, the information is actually incorrect. Example: Eric has many times copied an older report to create a de facto template for a new one and forgot to delete stuff that is only pertinent to the former report like "Billy took a PRN of Ativan" but he actually didn't this shift, that was accidentally left in there from the old report. That's much worse. (There's no Billy here BTW so don't get your HIPAA panties in a knot.)

Enough about Jake and Lakewood and work shit. I'm over it. My attitude lately is I'm just gonna do exactly what I'm supposed to do and not a speck more. That's right...only 16 pieces of flair. Not one more. Like everyone else. Fuck it. Fuck Fayol's Principle, I no longer want to be engaged here, I don't care about the Esprit de Corps. They don't even know what the fuck that is here. I'll just be a glassy-eyed automaton.

Like everyone else.

BTW, like what I did there with the title? Like the movie that just came out last night...Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Job Wars: At Last, Glaze Eyed. Get it?

Um, I'll see myself out.