What A Month So Far!

We're not even a full week into this month and I can clearly see that September's shaping up to be one cluster fuck of a month...

It starts off with Ric finally having enough and so he abruptly quits his Cici's management job in Charlotte, North Carolina and high tails it back here. I had a feeling he was totally being played but I also know from my own experience in the aughts that you sometimes put blinders up 'cause you trust in someone even though the red flags keep popping up repeatedly. And when you feel backed into a corner with no other options, you swallow a bitter pill and skew reality a bit just to make it through a few of your many hurdles. But the bubble eventually bursts and you do what you gotta do to get back on track.

Then I get slammed with the mother of all upper-respiratory infections, with my throat being the main site of the most fervent battles. The pain was excruciating. Saw the PA at my doctor's office and she prescribed me antibiotics but admitted it was probably viral since a swab test came up negative for strep. They feel better I guess pushing worthless pills rather than say "Oh well, you're screwed." My voice is now a total mimic of a very throaty Bea Arthur. "Walter! Walter!" But at least now in it's almost third week it's just a cough and slight sore throat.

The bum-fucks that own my apartment complex still haven't begun their renovations so I'm left to just wonder when they're gonna start coming in hammering and sawing and shit throughout my sleep day. Still have to pay by check at the office each month to avoid stupid fees. And they're also tearing up the porch railings and replacing them with some shitty looking "moderne" railing. So when they get around to it, there'll be that nuisance too, Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm moving from here and this week, in my effort to grab a condo or small house for my future, while I'm still gainfully employed and before I'm looking at end-of-lease day, I got pre-approved for a mortgage through Quicken Loans. But thy're tying to bum-rush me though everything and they even had a real estate agent that works through one of their subsidiaries try to get in touch with me, assuming I'd just take him on. But is it wise to retain a buyer's agent that's basically planted on me by the lender? What if I get a better rate elsewhere and go with another lender...how would that work out? The more I read, the more I see bad reviews of this lender too. Oh brother, what am I blindly walking into?

The monthly staff meeting was today and I still get the strong impression I'm still on management's shit list. Charmaine's especially. Tick Tock, tick tock.

And last but not least, there's this Irma fucker! Looks like she's heading right for us. And it'll probably mean, even if it veers off a bit and causes less than catastrophic damage, that it'll make it's presence vividly known here just at the time my shift is near wrapping up Sunday morning. My luck, I'll again, like last year, be stuck at work for a while, perhaps days. Great, just when I'm feeling so wonderfully loyal and proud of my workplace lately, right? Hmm.

Well it all won't matter soon, perhaps before the end of this horrible month. North Korea will piss Trump off just enough for him to grab that football, press the red button, and BOOM! Global Thermonuclear War.

Kinda wish I could straddle one of those missiles like Slim Pickins, waving a cowboy hat and yelling "Yee Haw!"

I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places...