Staying Steadfast

I hate posting about it since I have an illogical fear that doing so will jinx my current dedication, but I gotta say, I am quite proud of my accomplishments thus far. Talkin' about the health initiative, of course.

I'm currently down to 282 and a couple of milestones have been revisited:

1. Had to buy a new belt since the previous ones were too big...I'd punched a hole in each as my waist was getting smaller but even that got too roomy.

2. I was able to fit (tightly still though) in the sample seats to all three coasters at SeaWorld.

We went there yesterday, Ric and I, in a kinda "going away celebration" since, yes, he is taking the Cici's job in North Carolina. Despite his not-so-subtle attempts to persuade me, I did not partake and even ate very little throughout the whole day. And, having only pushed my nightlife sleep schedule forward by a few hours, I found it a very LOOOOOONG day indeed. I even got pissy towards twilight and snapped at Ric after the hundredth time he tried to convince me to ride Mako with him. I just wasn't ready.

The day was ungodly hot and I was swooning from it, as well as, perhaps, the low-calorie diet. I was able to fit comfortably in the restraint for Manta so I rode that with him, but the very twisty ride and the heat conspired to put me into a feeble, slightly nauseous state for the rest of the day. I wasn't going to add to it by getting all anxious about riding that very tall Mako hyper-coaster with only one click engaging on the flimsy-looking lap restraint. The one good benefit of a couple beers while at a theme park, back in the day, was the fact that it bolstered my bravura and enabled me to jump on any coaster with nary a care. Well, as I stated to Ric many times yesterday, I wasn't going there.

We did have a fun day of it though. I walked a hella lot and no doubt burned off a hefty number of calories what with all the walking and the sweating. The day hit home the feeling once again though that all in all I don't think I'll really mind that Ric will be moving away now. I think he goads me on to drink with him 'cause I think he realizes that other than our ability to slug back a few, we really don't have that much in common anymore. I actually wonder if we really ever did.