Momentous Times

I live in momentous times:

Yesterday morning, I was moved to tears listening and watching as former FBI director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee about the events surrounding his termination and the on-going investigation into the Russian hacking of the '16 election. You can tell, this man is a true patriot who loves his country. He's articulate, intelligent and above all, I believe, honest. This is the kind of man who should be leading our country. His disclosure brought to scrutiny two major realities that are incredibly disturbing.

1. Russia undoubtedly committed cyber attacks targeted against the United States with support and backing directly from the "highest levels of [their] government [Putin]." and, Comey stated, that they are likely to continue to do so in the future.

2. The President of the United States is, I paraphrase but within the factual context of what the director said: a person who seems dishonest, has engaged in implied quid pro quo, intimidation tactics, expectation of "loyalty," inappropriate actions, breaching (perhaps) the law, and is a proven outright liar.

While we've known about both of these problems before, to hear it in sworn testimony, spoken plainly and without malice before the senators and the viewing nation, is earth shattering. My immediate, blood-boiling reaction: We need to take out Putin and his cronies and get rid of our own president as well. The sooner the better.

Momentous at work:

The long-awaited retirement of the CEO has finally come. Our new CEO is in place. No fanfare or upheaval. In fact, it seems nothing has changed at all. Either we all collectively are in a sort of denial, or the new guy is just a puppet and the powers that be rest in the same hands as before minus one. I'm inclined to believe the latter. In the few times I've met him and seen him interact with others, he seems totally milquetoast and happy to follow devotedly the status quo established by Helen and perpetuated by Susan. Ah well, the women still run the show but overall stability is good.

Momentous for Ric:

Well, based on the status update on his Facebook timeline posted tonight, I think he's going to actually do it. He's moving to North Carolina. This is big. Ric has said countless times how much he loves Florida. He hates anything to do with "up north." It's mainly a climate thing...he likes it hot as can be. But I think it's a cultural thing too. Florida, especially the Orlando area, seems to attract and foster an attitude of perpetual vacation. Or at least a vacation every weekend if you have to work to support a living. Think of a constant feed of Bobby McFerrin singing "Don't Worry, Be Happy" in your head.

I guess he'll rent out his condo. The roommate he had for a few months earlier this year has already left due to his job layoff so the whole shebang will be available. Market rate would be too high for me (unless I wanted a roommate) but if it were within range, I'd actually consider it. It'd be kinda weird though, moving back to a place I lived in 10 years ago.

This move also means I'll be losing literally my only friend. Well, we'll still be friends, but he'll end up being like my other out-of-state friends, rarely contacted. And I'll be going to the parks by myself all the time. Which was really the case most of the time anyway over the past decade or so. But, it does lend well, perhaps, in relieving a potential trigger to drink by eliminating my local drinking buddy. Which segues into the next topic...

Momentous for me:

I'm currently a full month into my newest "initiative" and, so far, it seems quite "stickable." Of course I thought so a month into it in 2013 too, but lets not go there. Eating right, minimizing (and building up steam in eliminating altogether) drinking, and keeping a wholly positive attitude, I've lost over 20 pounds and feel great. I'm setting concrete goals and creating an environment supporting realistic completion of them.

Mainly, I'm popping my Rainbow Magic every day and tricking my brain into distraction when getting anywhere near a store selling beer. Gone so far as to order a bunch of groceries via Amazon and planted an empty wallet containing only my driver's licence in my pocket while out and about, including the commute to and from work. No money, no drinky.

Ah yes, momentous are these times. May I remember them well, sitting dreamily in my rocking chair, far into my golden years as I think back to '17...The year I sobered up, lost my fat belly, bid farewell to a good friend, kept on drama-free at my job and bore witness to the collapse of the corrupt United States government and happily welcomed the glorious invasion of our Mother Russian comrades! All Hail our Supreme Leaders...Vladimir Putin Jr. and Barron Trump!